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Gain directionHospitals and health systems

Experts in strategic, mission-aligned healthcare technology planning

The state of hospitals and health systems is being disrupted by significant consolidation, new reimbursement models, frustrated providers, and emerging technology. While effective, strategically focused information technology is critical in any industry, the multi-stakeholder demands of hospital and healthcare system technology require special focus.

With deep experience in determining a unified strategic vision, building consensus among diverse stakeholder groups, and developing efficient, cost-effective, and actionable strategic technology plans, BerryDunn is uniquely qualified to assess those demands. We engage staff across departments to develop a strategic technology road map for decision-making, with clear goals and defined budgets, while charting a course for future needs. 

Our team engages stakeholders early and often through knowledge sharing, discovery, and planning workshops to understand the diverse needs of your organization. We augment what we learn of your organization with industry trends and best practices to produce a plan that articulates your objectives and provides a workable sequence to achieve them. Our team will: 

  • Align your organizational and technology strategies
  • Build a technology strategy that supports the shift to value-based healthcare
  • Incorporate the needs of your physicians, nurses, staff, and patients
  • Help to identify strategic investments in technology initiatives
  • Establish a plan for measuring outcomes, understanding risks, and containing costs

Need a plan? Contact our team and we can help you get started. 

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